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Antique Style Engagement Rings

The prospects of an engagement and wedding are exciting times in the life of a happy couple to be. There are many important things to consider along the road "woekdifnfsd",Tiffany Jewelry Sale, toward the wedding celebration.

One of the expressions of love a man has to think of is the type of engagement ring to purchase and present to his soon to be bride.

As well, when the lady is involved in the decision she has the good fortune to shop for a ring with the exact characteristics she desires. Either way, Antique Style Engagement Rings offer a beautiful and unique look that has become popular of recent with many brides to be.

Antique style rings selected for the occasion of an ,cheap tiffany jewelry, engagement come in a variety of styles and designs.

Where Antique Jewelry generally refers to authentic period jewelry pieces (such as Art Deco, Georgian or Victorian), antique style jewelry refers to newly created jewelry pieces that are made in the “style” of earlier jewelry periods.

Creating antique style engagement rings with the unique characteristics of different historical eras gives today’s couples plenty of options to choose from. They can still enjoy that old world charm but in an engagement ring made using today’s 摩登 jewelry making methods.

Tiffany Jewellery Outlet, />One can find 摩登 antique style engagement rings that honor each of the following historical periods.

Antique Georgian style engagement rings recall the handmade jewelry craftsmanship of the Georgian period between 1714 and 1837.

Antique Victorian style engagement rings are reminiscent of either the nature inspired early period of the Victorian age or the more solemn later period of the Victorian age (dating from 1837 to 1901).

Tiffany Jewelry On Sale, />Art Nouveau antique style engagement rings recall the period between 1890 and 1905 and feature more floral jewelry designs.

Antique Edwardian style engagement rings feature elaborate designs and precious stones and are reminiscent of when King Edward VII ruled between 1901 and 1910.

Art Deco antique style engagement rings recall the geometric designs of that period between 1910 ,Tiffany Rings, and 1935. Art Deco antique style engagement rings are easily the most popular choice for today’s young couples, especially Art Deco style engagement rings in a platinum setting.

Platinum antique style engagement rings often include diamonds and other precious stones such as rubies, pearls and emeralds as accents.

For many couples, it is important to compliment the central engagement ring with an accompanying wedding band. Antique style engagement ring sets can also be found that reflect the classic and ,Tiffany Accessories, elegant magnificence of old world historical periods.

Older Antique Engagement Rings were often produced manually with the precious stones set in the ring having been carved by early stone cutting methods.

One alternative to buying the precious stone and the engagement ring setting together is to buy them separately. This way, you ,Tiffany Bracelet, can source out either early mine cut diamonds or choose a more 摩登 cut diamond that displays more brilliance.

Antique jewelry from the Art Deco and other historical periods offer a royal elegance that often cannot be found in contemporary forms of engagement rings.

Whether you chose antique engagement rings or antique style engagement rings, the rich colors and intricate designs can easily be appreciated by women of all ages.

While there are many places you can go to search for antique ,Tiffany Charms, style engagement rings most regular jewelry outlets are not as familiar with the antique jewelry industry.

Be sure to find a jeweler who knows about antique jewelry and has the experience to guide you along the way to finding the best options for antique style engagement rings that match your desired style and budget.

Par liandongmei3 le lundi 25 avril 2011


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