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Flamenco Dresses


The popular southern Spanish flamenco dance is full of emotion, "woekdifnfsd",Tiffany Jewelry Sale, expressiveness and rhythm. Flamenco dresses are an important part of the intricate movements of dancers and the whole performance. The history and style of flamenco have been as colourful, as the costumes themselves as flamenco style is constantly evolving and reinvented every season.

From work outfit to dance dress

Both flamenco dance and flamenco costumes are part of Andalusian culture and history. Initially dresses were Andalusian womens work outfit. During the nineteenth century, women began to wear these colorful and tight-fitting dresses during livestock fairs.

During the Golden Age of Flamenco, between 1869-1910, flamenco developed rapidly in cabarets and flamenco began ,cheap tiffany jewelry, to gain acceptance. Dancers became a public attraction and dresses were part of their wardrobes. That time they also started to add flowers, costume jewelry, ribbons and silk shawls to dresses to supplement the look.

Decades in flamenco dresses

The flamenco fashion has changed with the times, reflecting the evolving styles of Spain.

In the 1940s, dresses were long and frilly. In the '50s, the women added laces and belts to ,Tiffany Jewellery Outlet, their costumes. The dresses were also shorter, so shoes were visible. In the '60s, skirt length was shortened to a miniskirt but the sleeves were made longer, reaching the elbows or the wrists.

The '80s was an effusive baroque decade for the dress with printed tapestries, many laces and ribbons. In the '90s dresses became more modest, simple and more sensual, with materials that empahasised women's curves.

In the twenty-first century, the flamenco style has gone back to the roots and they are made ,Tiffany Jewelry On Sale, by poplin materials. Some dresses have become two piece ensembles.

The flamenco dress is full of both tradition and innovation. While the Andalusian influence is remained is flamenco fashion constantly evolving and it is hard to predict what style or trend is coming next.

Flamenco dresses basic structure

There are certain characteristics that distinguish flamenco dresses from other types of dresses.

Cotton blend and lace are commonly used fabrics in a flamenco costumes but many types of fabrics can be used. The classic flamenco dress shape is known as a guitar shape: the dresses are usually tight fitting on the upper body until they flare out, usually below the hip area. For the dancer it is more comfortable if long skirt is less elaborate and looser fitting.

Most flamenco dresses and skirts have ruffles, ,Tiffany Rings, which can come in different styles. Many of the dresses have also sleeves, which can go below or above the elbow or down ,Tiffany Accessories, to the wrist. Even if sleeves are narrow they are proportioned in a way that it is possible for the dancers to move their arms.

Flamenco dresses have often higher cut necklines, with different shapes. The bodice of flamenco dresses often has a lining, which aids dancers as they tend to sweat heavily due to the exertions of the dance.

Industry centered to Seville area

There is a flourishing flamenco dress fashion industry in Spain. According to the Asociación de Empresarios de la Moda Flamenca, an organization which oversees the flamenco fashion industry, around 30 Spanish companies make over 120 million euros a year on flamenco outfits and accessories. The main manufacturers of flamenco dresses are all located close to Seville.

Salón Internacional de Moda Flamenca, an annual international fashion show, is dedicated to flamenco designs. There are also designers, such as Yves Saint ,Tiffany Bracelet, Laurent and sevillian Vittorio & Lucchino, who have incorporated flamenco dresses into their mainstream fashion collections.


Par liandongmei3 le mercredi 27 avril 2011


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