jewelry? You

New looks in gold jewelry to try in the beginning of this new year It is a brand new year, and change has come in so many ways. After a tumultuous 2008 around the globe, we can only have hope that 2009 will begin a wonderful new year of love and beauty. Gold jewelry, always in fashion, has trends that change with the way the world evolves through the seasons. 2009 is no exception, and there are lots of fun, new looks in gold jewelry to try in the beginning of this new year.

tiffany necklace silverCenterpieces as jewelry? You may not want to grab your fruit bowl and hang it around a chain on your neck just yet, but one the hottest trends emerging this year look like something you might see on the middle of a dining room table. A gold chain is wrapped in beautiful, vibrant stones in various shapes and colors, creating an effect unlike any other. The necklaces look like a stunning bouquet of flowers and also like a clear bowl full of smooth, warm stones. This look can either be paired with a simple pair of gold hoop earrings to let the necklace take center stage, or you can dare to be bold and wear outlandish earrings to match.

tiffany mens necklaceTopaz and crystals and gold-oh my! What is so stunning about this combination? Everything. Topaz is a really brightly colored gemstone, and paired with the subtle clarity of crystal, it is allowed to shine. If these gemstones were paired with any type of silver, the silver would just blend in to the other cool colors and the overall effect would trend toward drab instead of vibrant. When you throw in some gold, however, the jewelry instantly warms up and becomes a more versatile piece. Jewelry with this color combination will be seen on runways everywhere this spring-start looking for ways to incorporate it into your springs outfits. tiffany necklace white gold

Par liandongmei3 le vendredi 03 juin 2011


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