the first time, and have stressed

Tiffany’s Charm Tiffany is known by its diamond and silver. The most prestigious design of Tiffany is the six claw inlay: Prop up the diamonds inlaid on the ring platform on top of the diamond tiffany2flash upgrade to the extreme point of honor is still widely respected. Tiffany is a symbol of American design, to love and beauty, romance and dreams as the theme is known for nearly two centuries. USA Tiffany, Inc. (Tiffany & Co.) is a well-known company for the pioneer of the engagement. Tiffany’s soft delicate sensibility and the ultimate functional beauty have become the fantasy and desire of all women in the world. tiffany earringsSince its inception in 1837, Tiffany has been designed in the stunning beauty of the original works as a purpose. Indeed, Tiffany jewelry lovers can voice speaks tirelessly, and its unique silverware, stationery and table utensils make people even more fascinated. Classic design is Tiffany the definition of the work, which means that for every one a masterpiece of stunning perfection can be from generation to generation, and charm of the eternal. Tiffany is designed to never meet the ups tiffany01and downs of the fashion and, therefore, will not be left behind, in fact, she was completely above the top of the tide. tiffany ringsTiffany of the creative essence and philosophy of the United States are also brought out into full-bodied features: simple clear lines describing the calm and aloof personality and exciting move of God’s grace. Tiffany design emphasizes excellence, be able to freely get inspired by everything from nature, leaving cumbersome and feminine affectation, but only to simple clear. Harmony, proportion and coherent, integrate in each design of Tiffany, in order to render the most beautiful gesture. Tiffany was designed shortly after the creation of bundles with white ribbons of blue boxes into its famous logo. 19,20 turn of the century, Tiffany Brand use the stainless steel jewelry box for the first time, and have stressed the silver, not gold.

tiffany braceletCreating silver tableware from the initial to the silver loaded jewelry, then diamonds, the designers of Tiffany have created many extraordinary treasures. Since the glorious 1890s began, many ladies from the United States Astor family (The Astors), Vanderbilt family (Vanderbilt) or Morgan (The Morgans) have dumped for the long-lasting, beautiful Tiffany diamonds and jewelry. At the same time from the theater, sports community, tiffany11celebrities, European royalty and even the stars in Hollywood Movies Circles, regard Tiffany ornaments as priceless treasures. Tiffany York Flagship store has been the scenes of many films. The most well-known is Breakfast at Tiffany’s in which the protagonist is Audrey Hepburn. tiffany necklace

Par liandongmei3 le vendredi 10 juin 2011


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