someone just learning how to sell

Accelerate Your eBay Business

Accelerate Your eBay Business


Back when we were getting started on eBay, there's one main thing that contributed to our early success.

It happened in our first year of "business." This means that although we were starting to learn how to sell, and we had spent lots of money and time learning, we weren't actually selling yet.

(It's funny that no matter how determined you can be to get started at something, no matter how much you learn, you actually have to get out there before you can have success.)

It didn't matter that we had the top experts teaching us everything we would ever want to know. The only thing that mattered was the action that we took. Instead of taking action, we were procrastinating. tiffany jewelry outlet

Not taking action is probably the biggest barrier you'll face when you want to start to make money online. Learning as much as you can about the topic makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. The more you learn, the closer you think you're getting to your goal. That's not true. The only way you'll get closer to your goal is to put in the work that is necessary to get you to your goal.

So here's the turning point where we went from absolutely nothing to a profitable $3,000 a month eBay business in less than 60 days.

What was it? Well, our mentors created a contest. They said that the first person who could sell $1,000 in one month would win a cash prize.

Please don't think that entering a contest automatically guarantees your success. It's much more than that. Even for us, it wasn't just about winning the prize or what we would do with the prize money. At the fundamental level, it was a goal with a tangible outcome. It was a goal we really believed in and we were determined to hit. tiffany outlet

So we pushed for the contest. We pulled all the strings we could to start selling. We did more things that month than the previous six months combined. Long story short, we didn't even win the contest, but it set us up for something bigger than we could imagine.

What surprised us is that we did more than we ever thought we could. We were very close to hitting that $1,000 sales number in our first month. The next month, we sold $3,000! So it only took 60 days to go from making $0 to selling $3,000 per month.

So what does this mean for someone just learning how to sell?

If you've been struggling getting an eBay business going and have been researching and learning, the first thing you need to do is commit. It's amazing what you can achieve when you believe with absolute certainty that starting an eBay business will change your life and provide you with a passive income in spite of the present economy. tiffany rings

Now keep in mind that you can't quit your job overnight. Building a business is not an instant thing, it's a marathon. You need to be trained by someone who has been there and laid the groundwork for you.

Always remember that success leaves a trail. If you follow in the footprints of someone who is making money online, you can be a success as well.



Par liandongmei3 le samedi 11 juin 2011


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