tiffany mens necklaceWhittier police Thursday were looking for at least three men who beat a 19-year-old woman while she was riding her bike on the city's Greenway Trail. The woman was knocked unconscious after she was pushed off her bike about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday and punched and possibly kicked in the face, the Whittier Police Department said. The attackers fled when passersby came to help. The assault occurred on a section of the trail between Painter and Greenleaf avenues, police said. The only description of the men was that they were wearing dark clothing. The woman sustained injuries to her face, teeth, hands and elbows. She had regained consciousness when police and firefighters arrived and was taken to a hospital. Police said they had not established a motive, adding that the victim was not robbed.
tiffany uk shopBURLINGTON, Vt. -- Five local bike stores will donate 7 percent of their profits over the Fourth of July weekend to help fix up the causeway, a bike path favorite closed due to flooding. Skirack, Earl's Cyclery, Alpine Shop, North Star Sports and Old Spokes Home are all participating in the event July 1-3. "This cause to repair the causeway and Island Line Ferry up to the islands is as important as it could be," Earl's Cyclery owner Roger Frey said.
Frey and Skirack owner Zandy Wheeler said that they wanted to come together, despite being competitors, to help repair the causeway, a stretch of the bike path that extends across Lake Champlain. The causeway attracts thousands of bikers each year, including many that take bike tours of the area. "They've had to cancel over 30 trips (this summer). If you do the math, the raw dollars for those 30 trips is $450,000," Frey said. More information on the promotion and how to donate yourself is available at MANCHESTER, NH -- Surveillance video of a family’s porch caught thieves who stole a bike from a New Hampshire home.
tiffany necklace silverThe family had a camera on their porch because they’ve been targeted before by thieves. They also said that this isn’t about the bike; it’s about putting an end to the crime in their neighborhood. The video shows a young man walking casually onto the family’s porch, picking up the bicycle and walking away with it. The bicycle belongs to 8-year-old Colby Lyman. “[My mom said] it was on tape and I was just happy because I want to catch him,” said Colby. The cameras caught the suspect taking the bike, but also caught the suspect and his alleged accomplice scoping out the home - they rode by the home prior to the theft. tiffany necklace white gold
The suspect also walked past the empty driveway. “You can see the camera sitting right there. Police couldn’t believe it. He just walked up in the daylight like he owned the place. It’s pretty brazen,” said a man. The family has had their cars broken into and have already had two other bikes stolen, that’s why they installed security cameras outside of their home. tiffany cufflinks
Since the theft happened, they posted the video on YouTube, hoping that someone will recognize the suspect. “We might as well do something with it. Maybe it’ll save some other neighbors from having something stolen,” said a man. “I know it’s not the crime of the century,” said Liz Lyman. “But I think it’s pretty important. I think you have to stop it somewhere before it keeps escalating and that’s what we’re hoping to do.” Police said they are very impressed with the surveillance video and they have gotten tips and have excellent leads. tiffany charms
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