M3i Zero use guide - the way to setup M3i Zero SP6 V2.0.2 Kernel

M3i Zero use guide - the way to setup M3i Zero SP6 V2.0.2 Kernel

Latest M3i Zero SP6 V2.0.2 released on June 10th, 2011

M3adapter.com updated the kernel of M3i zero to SP6 V 2.0.2 on June 10th, 2011. Users can download latest software to run the M3i Zero card on Nintendo 3DS latest version and DSi V1.4.2 Version.

M3i Zero SP6 V2.0.2 updated content

1. Support Nintendo 3DS Ver 2.0.0-2J, Ver 2.0.0-2U, Ver 2.0.0-2E. Support M3i Zero Sakura system for Multi-media purposesand NDS games.
2. Support NDSi/NDSi LL V1.4.2J, NDSi/NDSi XL Ver 1.4.2U and Ver 1.4.2E
3. Support M3i Zero old version and new model of GMP-Z003. tiffany bracelets on sale

* If the M3i Zero GMP-Z003 isn't compatible with MicroSD card, please use compatible MicroSD card to download M3i Zero GMP-Z003 update patch "SH1 V1.42.00", and run it on DS/NDSi/3DS conosle.for update.
*M3i Zero GMP-Z003 which updated with "SH1 V1.42.00" before, no want to update with M3i Zero SP6 again.
* to make use of V2.0.2 kernel update files, users need toupgrade system to M7fiveV4.nineX or upper version (for M3DS Real/M3i Zero), M3SAKURA users need toupgraded the system to M33 V1.50. Orelse, the cushykey-back and saving in-time function is findless. Recommfinally end updated to the most recent version.
* This M3i Zero SP4 update is so as to suit Japanese, American and ecu3DS console. tiffany bracelet


M3i Zero update specification

No kernel installed for all M3i Zero cards before output. No NDS console can recognize the M3i Zero card without the kernel installation, it is going to reminds:"no card". So for brand spanking new M3i Zero card, please do properkernel installation. at the same time asnew M3i Zero kernel released,if there is not any problem of compatibility, it isn't essential to update the kernel.

M3i Zero kernel update step

1.Download latest M3i Zero patch to computer, and reproductionthe " F_CORE.dat"file to the basis directory of TF card.
2.Insert the MicroSD card to M3i Zero card. tiffany toggle bracelet
3.Connect the facility sourceccapable of M3i Zero card, then connect the opposite side of the calbe to USBchronic socket.
* Please staythe sequence, if out of order, it's going to wreck the M3i Zero inner core.
4 If functioncorrectly(Both USB amd M3i Zero connection are ok,chronic supplied and M3i Zero recognized the kernel file),Kernel update start. The LED in M3i Zero will blink for approximately 3fiveSeconds. at the same time asblinking stop, update finished.
fiveTake out the facility cable from USB socket, and disconnect the M3i zero withchronic cable.
6 Insert the M3i Zero card to Nintendo console, then you definitelyr will begin to run it.

Solution for M3i Zero failled loading1. LED stayon blinking

Reason: Can't locatethe update files.
* Check the kernel file is unzipped or not. tiffany charms bracelet
* Whether formon the MicroSD card to compatible form. (FAT/FAT32)
* Whether MicroSD card is insert to M3i Zero correctly. blankthe relationship part if dirty.

2. LED don't blink

Reason: Nochronic
* Check the U.S.B socket ischronicless or not.
* Check the relationship of M3i Zero and tool cable is right or not.

3. LED blink just once

Reason 1: kernel file inspection error.
* The M3i Zero update file could also be damaged, re-download if necessary.
Reason 2: M3i Zero hardware broken, uncapable of upgrade.
* Contact reseller for repair or change.

4. After update, M3i Zero can also be recognized by NDS, but can't enter the system.

Reason 1: new edition of M3i Zero kernel can't support the Nintendo console.
* check with Nintendo console, download latest version of M3i Zero kernel for installation.
Reason 2: M3i Zero Kernel not installed, or load incompletely, or can't locatethe file. tiffany heart bracelet
* make surethe right sortinstallation of M3i Zero system files, and compatible with the kernel version.
* make surethe MicroSD card is fine. If necessary format it and reproductionfiles again.

5.After update, the M3i Zero card cannot be recognized by NDS console

Reason 1: M3i Zero kernel isn't installed correctly.
* re-install of the Kernel, don't pause at the same time asupdating.
Reason 2: the relationship of M3i Zero and NDS console isn't any good.
* Take out M3i Zero, and re-insert again. attempt to wash the Kingfinger a part of M3i Zero if necessary.
Reason 3: M3i Zero is damaged
* Contact the reseller for amendmentor repair. tiffany charms

Par liandongmei3 le samedi 23 juillet 2011


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