Samedi 11 juin 2011

someone just learning how to sell

Accelerate Your eBay Business

Accelerate Your eBay Business


Back when we were getting started on eBay, there's one main thing that contributed to our early success.

It happened in our first year of "business." This means that although we were starting to learn how to sell, and we had spent lots of money and time learning, we weren't actually selling yet.

(It's funny that no matter how determined you can be to get started at something, no matter how much you learn, you actually have to get out there before you can have success.)

It didn't matter that we had the top experts teaching us everything we would ever want to know. The only thing that mattered was the action that we took. Instead of taking action, we were procrastinating. tiffany jewelry outlet

Not taking action is probably the biggest barrier you'll face when you want to start to make money online. Learning as much as you can about the topic makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. The more you learn, the closer you think you're getting to your goal. That's not true. The only way you'll get closer to your goal is to put in the work that is necessary to get you to your goal.

So here's the turning point where we went from absolutely nothing to a profitable $3,000 a month eBay business in less than 60 days.

What was it? Well, our mentors created a contest. They said that the first person who could sell $1,000 in one month would win a cash prize.

Please don't think that entering a contest automatically guarantees your success. It's much more than that. Even for us, it wasn't just about winning the prize or what we would do with the prize money. At the fundamental level, it was a goal with a tangible outcome. It was a goal we really believed in and we were determined to hit. tiffany outlet

So we pushed for the contest. We pulled all the strings we could to start selling. We did more things that month than the previous six months combined. Long story short, we didn't even win the contest, but it set us up for something bigger than we could imagine.

What surprised us is that we did more than we ever thought we could. We were very close to hitting that $1,000 sales number in our first month. The next month, we sold $3,000! So it only took 60 days to go from making $0 to selling $3,000 per month.

So what does this mean for someone just learning how to sell?

If you've been struggling getting an eBay business going and have been researching and learning, the first thing you need to do is commit. It's amazing what you can achieve when you believe with absolute certainty that starting an eBay business will change your life and provide you with a passive income in spite of the present economy. tiffany rings

Now keep in mind that you can't quit your job overnight. Building a business is not an instant thing, it's a marathon. You need to be trained by someone who has been there and laid the groundwork for you.

Always remember that success leaves a trail. If you follow in the footprints of someone who is making money online, you can be a success as well.



Par liandongmei3 - 0 commentaire(s)le 11 juin 2011
Vendredi 10 juin 2011

the first time, and have stressed

Tiffany’s Charm Tiffany is known by its diamond and silver. The most prestigious design of Tiffany is the six claw inlay: Prop up the diamonds inlaid on the ring platform on top of the diamond tiffany2flash upgrade to the extreme point of honor is still widely respected. Tiffany is a symbol of American design, to love and beauty, romance and dreams as the theme is known for nearly two centuries. USA Tiffany, Inc. (Tiffany & Co.) is a well-known company for the pioneer of the engagement. Tiffany’s soft delicate sensibility and the ultimate functional beauty have become the fantasy and desire of all women in the world. tiffany earringsSince its inception in 1837, Tiffany has been designed in the stunning beauty of the original works as a purpose. Indeed, Tiffany jewelry lovers can voice speaks tirelessly, and its unique silverware, stationery and table utensils make people even more fascinated. Classic design is Tiffany the definition of the work, which means that for every one a masterpiece of stunning perfection can be from generation to generation, and charm of the eternal. Tiffany is designed to never meet the ups tiffany01and downs of the fashion and, therefore, will not be left behind, in fact, she was completely above the top of the tide. tiffany ringsTiffany of the creative essence and philosophy of the United States are also brought out into full-bodied features: simple clear lines describing the calm and aloof personality and exciting move of God’s grace. Tiffany design emphasizes excellence, be able to freely get inspired by everything from nature, leaving cumbersome and feminine affectation, but only to simple clear. Harmony, proportion and coherent, integrate in each design of Tiffany, in order to render the most beautiful gesture. Tiffany was designed shortly after the creation of bundles with white ribbons of blue boxes into its famous logo. 19,20 turn of the century, Tiffany Brand use the stainless steel jewelry box for the first time, and have stressed the silver, not gold.

tiffany braceletCreating silver tableware from the initial to the silver loaded jewelry, then diamonds, the designers of Tiffany have created many extraordinary treasures. Since the glorious 1890s began, many ladies from the United States Astor family (The Astors), Vanderbilt family (Vanderbilt) or Morgan (The Morgans) have dumped for the long-lasting, beautiful Tiffany diamonds and jewelry. At the same time from the theater, sports community, tiffany11celebrities, European royalty and even the stars in Hollywood Movies Circles, regard Tiffany ornaments as priceless treasures. Tiffany York Flagship store has been the scenes of many films. The most well-known is Breakfast at Tiffany’s in which the protagonist is Audrey Hepburn. tiffany necklace

Par liandongmei3 - 0 commentaire(s)le 10 juin 2011
Jeudi 09 juin 2011

Cartier ode to love another as

Cartier Luxury Diamond Wedding Ring—You’re mine (2) uaremine11Specifically for Cartier wedding ring design on the red box, unique and elaborate way to the groom and the bride’s wedding ring in a box of two, not only easy to make wedding ring is lost, even by implication the two hearts melt from the marriage of the sacred one, indicates that the fate of two men linked from this and never part.

tiffany braceletThis is writing a paean to the Cartier ode to love another as uaremine6one of the series, inlaid seat showing two hollow heart, ring holding a glittering heart-shaped cut diamonds, a symbol of two hearts melt through the sacred marriage as a stars hearts. When the man took out Cartier’s “red box” on the beloved woman softly said “You’re mine!”, Which tears the face of women do not nod their heads met? tiffany earringsuaremine3Rings should and phase fit the wearer’s personality, and a perfect match with the finger. In order to give every woman can find a happy dream diamond ring, Cartier In addition to working fine, fine inlaid seat models, but also introduced to highlight the design style seat inlay. Solitaire Louis Cartier series as a representative from the side, the diamond in the “C”-shaped block letter inlay surrounded by a perfect curve, perfect show of its luster. tiffany cufflinks

Par liandongmei3 - 0 commentaire(s)le 09 juin 2011
Mercredi 08 juin 2011

girl’s hand, enchanting; young

D&G: Ring of Happiness 81D&G Spree ring, a series of dazzling color synthetic pearl adorned with rings, D&G Spree jewelry to reflect an extremely delicate essence of women. Artistic Director of Emilio Pucci’s Matthew Williamson with extraordinary creativity to design colorful spiral ring, and will breathe new life into the brand’s classic pattern, or vortex-shaped, or lines, or blocks of color and dynamism, along the slow movement of the body. tiffany accessories Ring shows off not only the well-being, but also become a personality instruments.

tiffany cufflinksGirl’s hand, pure as jade; girl’s hand, enchanting; young 82woman’s hand, mature; old woman’s hand, carving the next years of vicissitudes. Laugh often, gently cover; worry when the hand shore up his eyebrows; cry when the tears wiped his hand … … a woman’s hand, that is the best gift God gave a woman, although accompanied by fingers, but destined to need consolation. Is the ring finger of the lonely woman melt. The decorative ring then lifted the hearts of the million species of woman style. tiffany charms83Simple taste of logs is still not faded in popularity, Hermès Box 4 coins of silver and ebony rings did not hesitate to choose the mainstream. This emphasizes the color contrast between a series of them, and travel to the jewelry design is inspired. The former a small suitcase on the four boxes in the corner molding on the design and use two completely different material and color combinations together: silver and ebony, so that adventure travel, women are more attractive Smart. tiffany pendants

Par liandongmei3 - 0 commentaire(s)le 08 juin 2011
Mardi 07 juin 2011

with Seller Do not be afraid to ask the seller

The Styles & quality of this silver jewellry is universally recognized There is nothing more understated and elegant which screams chic than sterling silver jewelry from Tiffany & Co. The Styles & quality of this silver jewellry is universally recognized, but never equaled. Many unscrupulous jewelry makers have tried to copy their designs, but, have almost always fallen short. tiffany earringsAt Tiffany & Co., you pay a huge premium for their unsurpassed reputation and Quality. However, you can find great deals on authentic Tiffany silver necklaces, bracelets, an other items on eBay. In rare instances, you may see an item being sold as new if for instance, the seller is stating it is a recent gift or purchase which was never worn. You can expect a small discount from retail. Most items you will see are used. However, these used items are a great place to catch a bargain. tiffany cufflinksWhether bidding on a newer item, such as a Return To Tiffany & Co. silver necklace or used, vintage Tiffany & Co. silver ring, make sure it is authentic. To help you be a more informed consumer, and get the most out of your jewelry purchase, I would like to offer you these tips on how to ensure you are buying an authentic piece of silver jewelry. tiffany braceletLobster Clasps On Tiffany & Co silver link bracelets, the clasp is referred to as a lobster claw clasp because of its shape. This clasp is beefy and thick and along with other Tiffany & Co. clasps, it has .925 stamped on its base. On fake items, the clasp is cheap looking and made from thin, stamped metal. Bracelet and Necklace Links The sterling silver links on an authentic item are solid and soldered smooth. On fake items, the links are pinched together and have uneven gaps. Link bracelets and necklaces come in only one size and can only be sized by a Tiffany jeweler. If a seller offers you different sizes, you are probably buying a fake. tiffany charmsSilver Quality All of the Tiffany & Co. silver jewelry is .925 sterling. It is solid, and not silver plate. Fake silver is plated with rhodium, is very shiny and lacks the luster of sterling silver. Also, many of the fake items have been manufactured with steel and therefore, will be magnetic. Quantity Available & Price Be very wary of a seller selling multiple identical items. This is a definite sign item is fake since authentic items are hand made and few in number. Also, if a seller states they received items from a wholesaler, they are lying to you. Tiffany & Co. does not distribute their items through wholesalers. Tiffany & Co, never has sales. If there is a Buy-It-Now price on the item, as a general rule, be wary of any item priced less than one third of the retail price. In regards to auctions, it is very common for authentic items to be sold at starting prices of $1.00.

tiffany pendantsCommunication with Seller Do not be afraid to ask the seller questions about the item for sale. If seller does not respond, or seems evasive, find another seller. Also, avoid a seller who has chosen to hide their feedback since you can find out a lot by reading feedback from other buyers. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you take your time and do your homework, you will ensure your purchase decision is a wise choice. Now go out there and start shopping!!! There is nothing more understated and elegant which screams chic than sterling silver jewelry from Tiffany & Co. The Styles & quality of this silver jewellry is universally recognized, but never equaled. Many unscrupulous jewelry makers have tried to copy their designs, but, have almost always fallen short. At Tiffany & Co., you pay a huge premium for their unsurpassed reputation and Quality. tiffany accessories

Par liandongmei3 - 0 commentaire(s)le 07 juin 2011
Samedi 04 juin 2011

certain desirable element that hand

Casting jewelry is a valuable skill to master Perfect for Any Function Plus size jewelries are not devoid of the intending that is given to all jewelries. There are jewelries for children, for adored ones, or even to memorialise such substantive effects such as a graduation, career milestones, engagement, or even weddings. There are likewise plus size jewelries to express sympathy with another peoples plight, peculiarly uttering vexation to women through breast cancer consciousness jewelries. Every plus size jewelry are worked from either pearl or silver or a compounding of both. They are gettable in shimmering and modern patterns that are assured never to extend out of style. The end result of the Lost-wax process is usually very detailed and exact creating a beautiful piece. 

tiffany necklace silverCasting jewelry can be a profitable business depending upon your skill level and creativity. This skill is diminishing as the jewelry companies switch to computerized and automatic means of creating their pieces. While this move is smart for the jewelry business as it reduces the production cost, the end result lacks a certain desirable element that hand made jewelry posses.

tiffany necklace white goldCasters will be able to use the mold created during the Lost-wax process a few times before a new mold has to be made. Extra care and attention has to be paid to polishing any imperfections or patching any variants during the casting process. Several things can go wrong during casting especially when you remove the mold so take care to be extra careful and attentive during this time. Casting jewelry is a valuable skill to master and if you plan on making any money from your home foundry, this is a good place to start. tiffany ringsWith plus size jewelry, you will certainly obtain to express your feelings. For more of plus size jewelry, visit Queen Bee Jewelry for you to be capable to equate values as well as find out for yourself how trendy a plus size jewelry is. tiffany bracelet

Par liandongmei3 - 1 commentaire(s)le 04 juin 2011
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